Dates & Nuts Burfi

dates and nuts burfi
  • Grind de-seeded dates(200g) to a coarse paste without water
  • Chop nuts of your choice(all nuts together 75g) more or less per the taste preference.
  • I used almonds, cashews and pistachios - 25g each
  • Dry roast poppy seeds(1 tbsp) in a pan (medium sim) and transfer it to a plate/bowl
  • To the same pan, add ghee(1/2 tsp) -> roast the nuts for 2-3 mins and transfer it to a plate/bowl
  • Add ghee (1 tsp this time) -> coarse ground dates -> mix well and cook for 4-5 mins
  • Add a tsp of dry roasted poppy seeds at this stage(remaining to be used later) + roasted nuts + cardamom powder(1/8 tsp)
  • Mix well until it is well combined. (Should be another 2 mins)
  • Once it is cooled down to some extent (able to handle with our hands), shape it per your preference - either as ladoo or burfi
Happiee Cooking !!😊
